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What We Do

The mission of the Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association is to improve services to youth in the juvenile justice system by serving as a resource for collaboration, leadership development, and education for juvenile justice system professionals.

  • Conference Attendee
    Conference Attendee

    "Having opportunities to hear from people with lived experience within the juv. justice system. Also the awards luncheon-- seeing the young people and leaders work and what
    they have accomplished."

  • Conference Attendee
    Conference Attendee

    "All keynote speakers were fantastic. I also enjoy networking and meeting new people."

  • Conference Attendee
    Conference Attendee

    "Getting to interact with people across the state in person rather than by Zoom"

  • Conference Attendee
    Conference Attendee

    "All 3 keynote speakers were wonderful and was able to grow my knowledge. The breakout sessions were full of knowledge."

  • Conference Attendee
    Conference Attendee

    "The keynote speakers were impactful and I felt I could take their insight with me to better serve in my field."

  • Conference Attendee
    Conference Attendee

    "The keynote speakers and their real life experiences that translated into resiliency, lessons and success on how to serve others who have similar life experiences."

  • Conference Attendee
    Conference Attendee

    "I do feel like the keynote speakers in the morning were really great and gave great advice on how to work with victims and juveniles and their stories were really inspirational."

Conference Results

  • 2024 Conference Participation


  • Would Attend Again


  • Rated the Conference Very Good or Excellent


  • Fulfilled My Reason To Attend


  • Attended the conference for personal growth and development


Acts of Kindness You Can Do This Fall

The season of giving is quickly approaching, so why not get a head start? Performing kind deeds is a great way to help others and make yourself feel good. A random act of kindness can turn someone’s day around. Since the weather is cooling down, you can add a little sunshine and warmth to a stranger with these simple ideas.

  1. Rake someone’s leaves.
    Consider any of your neighbors or relatives that aren’t as mobile as they used to be. They could probably use some help clearing their yards of fallen leaves. Do you know someone with young kids they’re constantly running after? He or she would likely greatly appreciate you taking the time to rake the heaps of leaves in the front yard. Raking leaves helps others, and it also is a great way to get some exercise, making it a double-whammy activity.
  2. Go on a clean-up nature walk.
    Fall is a fantastic season in which to spend time outdoors. The air is crisp, the leaves have turned beautiful colors, and the temperatures are perfect. Consider taking advantage of the beautiful weather by going on a walk through nature. You could bring a trash bag and a picking tool to clean up garbage along the way. By doing so, you’d be keeping your community clean and getting to soak up the beauty that autumn has to offer.
  3. Write an encouraging note to a loved one.
    If you know someone who’s been struggling with a dilemma lately, try sending them a thoughtful note. You telling them you care about them will go further than you might think. Consider writing it on fall-themed stationery for a fun touch. Words of affirmation are incredibly powerful, yet incredibly simple, ways to spread some kindness. Either write them down, or say them to someone you care about, the next time you feel like brightening someone’s day
  4. Help out at your local community center.
    Many community centers host fall activities like craft nights or storytimes. Think about offering a helping hand at its next event. You’ll meet new people from your area, and you’ll likely have a good time doing it. Your community center will greatly appreciate you taking time out of your day to help others around you.
  5. Drop off food at a food pantry.
    If you have a backyard garden, consider taking some fresh produce to your local food bank. The pantry will be thankful for your gracious donation, and so will those who frequent it. You’ll feel good knowing the hard work you put into your garden is helping people in need.
  6. Make a meal for your neighbor.
    Few things show you care quite like a home-cooked meal. Try bringing a yummy fall dish to your neighbor next time you feel like doing something kind for others. You could also invite them over for a meal. It’s a great way to get to know a new neighbor or grow closer to a friendly one.

Fall is a great time to show others you care. These simple acts of kindness can go a long way in the eyes of others, and they can make you feel good, too.