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NJJA Commitment to Excellence in Leadership Form

This award recognizes an individual, in a management capacity, who has demonstrated exemplary leadership and who has provided a valuable service by contributing time and energy to improve the quality of life for youth and families in their community.

Nominations for the NJJA Commitment to Excellence in Leadership Award are now open, for further information, email Tammy Sassaman or call at 402.450.2306.

Nominations for the award will close April 1, 2025.

First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Provide a narrative on why you are recommending the nominee for the Leadership Award. Criteria to think about: l .) LEADERSHIP - ability to motivate and inspire others to accomplish a specific goal or objective; this involves an element of risk in order to benefit others; 2.) INITIATIVE - demonstrates ability to take charge by creating or developing a program, project, or activity that impacts the community; has a personal commitment to see the project through to its resolution with determined effort; 3.) CREATIVITY - develops/proposes creative ways to accomplish the goals and objectives of the program, project or activity; 4.) DEDICATION - is recognized by others for being dedicated to achieving the desired results; accomplishes much within the community by his or her pursuit, courage, and enthusiasm; 5.) RECOGNITION - recognized by others for his or her commitment to the success of the program, project, or activity; 6.) INTEGRITY - sets the example by always dealing ethically in all professional relationships and by maintaining the highest personal standards; and 7.) INSPIRATION - inspires others to get involved and make a difference in the lives of others.
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Provide a minimum of one (1) letter of support, not including the nominating individual. The individual making the nomination is responsible for collecting any letter(s) of support and sending the letter(s) as part of the completed nomination package. If you have quations, please contact Tammy Sassaman at
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