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Call for Proposals Form

50-75 word summary description for use in conference program (text may be edited)
500-1,000 word expanded description, which includes: Overview of the issue supported by data and/or evaluation results, learning objectives and take away tools and resources (must be clear and relevant), current and future implications for policy and practice, explanation of the role of key juvenile justice stakeholders or call to action, outline of how the content will be presented and interactive methods used and a list of other events/venues you have presented this information?
You may also upload the long form session description and presenter biographies as PDFs here.
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Presenter 1 should be the lead contact for all other presenters if this presentation has more than 1 presenter.
First Name *
Last Name *
First Name
Last Name
Chosen presenters will be required to provide their own laptops and are encouraged to bring VGA adaptors